League of Legends Funko Pop Guide

League of Legends Funko Pop Guide

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Funko POP figures are probably the most recognizable collectible figures in the world. They have an awesome, easily recognizable design and a great color pallet. In my opinion, Funko POP figures have a universal appeal, even if you’re not a fan of the underlying theme.

League of Legends items are no different in terms of quality. There are currently 9 LoL products available in the Funko POP store, including immensely popular Vi and Jinx (thank you, Arcane!) My only regret is that there aren’t any more champions available.

In this League of Legends Funko POP guide, I will analyze all the LoL figures available right now.

Key Info Up Front

League of Legends Funko POP figures are one of the best, if not the best, LoL collectibles on the market. You can choose between 9 popular characters, including Vi, Jinx, Ashe, Lee Sin, Braun, Amumu, Thresh, Concussive DJ Sona, and Miss Fortune. Their prices vary significantly from $15 for some of the cheapest figures to $250 for Jinx.

9 League of Legends Funko POPs

Here is a full list of all the League of Legends Funko POPs, their prices, and what they look like:

1. Jinx

Jinx is the prized possession of this collection, being sold for $150 to $250 on the free market. The price can fluctuate significantly, but regardless, don’t expect to find it cheap. The price especially went up with the introduction of the Arcane, which further propelled this character into stardom (although she was very popular even before that).

As for the figure itself, there is a lot to go through. Jinx has pink eyes and turquoise hair with two long braids and pink bands. The character’s eyebrows make her look very menacing. There are lots of small details on her body, including blue and pink arm wraps, black fingerless gloves, pink shorts, and black boots with pink laces.

The champion has a bullet belt around her waist, as well as a unique-looking turquoise holster for her gun. Another small detail that I find very cute is the Band-Aid on her left knee. Of course, being a weapon master, the champion wields a massive purple minigun called “Pow-Pow .”You can even see small bunny ears on the weapon adding to its authenticity.

2.  Vi

After Jinx, it makes sense to mention her sister Vi. This is another masterfully done vinyl figure with numerous details. Vi is also somewhat expensive going from $90 to $175. According to the game lore, she is the protector of Piltover, using her massive gauntlets to punish transgressors. In fact, these weapons are the reason why Jinx gave her the nickname “Fat Hands.”

Although not the biggest things of the model, these gauntlets feel like the figure’s centerpiece. They are extremely well done, with lots of small details. The gauntlets are made from a silver metallic compound and are reinforced with thin golden bars. There is also a blue gem on top of them, adding to color diversity.

If you look at Vi’s face, you might deduct that the champion looks confounded, almost as if she’s worried. She has short pink hair which covers the right part of her face. I also like the two small earrings on her left ear. She has “Vi” written below her left eye and blue goggles with golden metallic frames resting on top of her head.

The clothes on this figure reflect the champion’s low upbringing. Although rather sturdy, they look somewhat cheap. She has dark blue boots, brown pants, and a reinforced metallic shoulder and chest plate. These armors seamlessly transition into her gauntlets.

3. Ashe

Ashe is one of the game’s mainstays. She has been around since its inception and was always a popular pick. Over time, Ashe inspired numerous collectibles, t-shirts, and other LoL-related items. That being said, it isn’t surprising that this item goes for $25 to $45 even though her model is not as intricate as some others on the list.

The champion’s design looks clean and polished. She wears her traditional long dark blue cape with golden edges. A similar color pattern is used for the rest of her clothing. Ashe has dark blue boots that are combined with golden calf protectors. Her pants, arm wraps, and hood have a similar golden pattern that reminds me of lightning.

Unlike Vi and Jinx, she doesn’t have many details on her face. The champion has large black eyes with long eyelashes, short white hair, and gray eyebrows. Ashe’s weapon of choice is an icy short bow. She holds it prime and ready as if waiting for new prey.

4. Lee Sin

Lee Sin, the Blind Monk, is a champion that combines offensive, defensive, and support spells. It is one of the simpler, less impressive figures within the collection. Nevertheless, it is still worth $15 to $35, which is the common price in most online stores.

The figure doesn’t have many details compared to other pieces from the set. The focus of the collectible is on the red wraps that cover his eyes and most of his head. In the center, you can notice a small golden/turquoise broch that is keeping the cloth in place. The wrap is also tied in the back. Champion is, for the most part, bold and has a black braid held together with a red string.

As for the rest of his body, Lee Sin has brown monk shoes and white socks with red strings. He wears gray pants with a white belt and a golden buckle. The fighter protects his biggest asset, hands, with white bandages, which are further reinforced with red strings. You can also notice a few tattoos on his body that add to the model’s complexity.

5. Braum

Braum is an extremely sturdy warrior who uses his shield to damage opponents and protects allies. While not the most important character in the lore, he was popular enough to get his own Funko POP figure. The champion’s collectible can be purchased for $15 to $35, depending on where you buy it.

Don’t let Braum’s look fool you. Although very jovial by nature, he is one tough cookie. The character is bold, and he fashions a thick masculine mustache and eyebrows. Although his eyes and closed, and he has a wide smile beneath the mustache, you have a feeling that he is more than prepared for battle.

Braum holds his weapon, a thick shield in his right hand. This defensive object has golden edges and a ram head in the center. The animal looks pretty cool, having shiny turquoise eyes. Its head is held in place with golden chains.

Like Lee Sin, the character’s torso is naked, and you can see several gray tattoos on it. His right shoulder is protected with a silver pauldron while a golden arm guard shields his left arm. Given that he’s hailing from cold Freljord, it makes sense that the champion would have gray wool boots and thick brown pants.

6. Amumu

Never underestimate a champion who is brave enough to cry in public. Amumu, the Sad Mummy, is one of the oldest characters in the game. This tank provides great crowd control and magic damage, and it can be yours for just $15 to $35.

There isn’t much to be said about this Funko POP figure. Amumu is definitely the simplest model within the collection, and unless you’re trying to get the whole set or you specifically like Amumu, there isn’t much point in buying it. In my opinion, he just isn’t impressive enough to warrant a purchase, even though this is a relatively cheap item.

Amumu’s body is fully covered in green bandages. His eyes are yellow, and there is a large tear rolling down his right cheek. The champion’s body is slouched, and his hands are dropping down. Everything in his posture shows us that he is very dissatisfied and unhappy.

7. Thresh

I really like the Thresh figure. There are so many cool details on this model that can easily hook you up. In that sense, I believe that the price of $45 to $55 is more than warranted. It is one of those items you would love to have on your desk, even if you’re not a League of Legends fan.

Thresh Funko POP figure utilizes black, gray, and green colors to the maximum extent. Although this might feel like a weird combination, it definitely works for the champion. He has gray boots and black outfit with numerous bones laid out on the surface. He also wears a black death mask that covers his ghostly green face.

In his green hands, Thresh holds a lantern and a scythe. Both of these items are really well done. I especially like the scythe with its gray shaft and green spirit blade. You might also notice two green keys hanging from the champion’s belt, demonstrating his status of a warden.

8. DJ Sona: Concussive

DJ Sona is a really cool cosmetic for the champion of the same name. Despite being released back in 2015, this skin remains one of the most expensive within the Riot store. If we’re talking about DJ Sona: Concussive, in particular, this is an alternate for DJ Sona cosmetic. The product’s price usually goes from $90 to $125 in various online stores.

As for the figure, it is so awesome yet so trippy. Given that Sona is a champion that utilizes music to bolster allies, it makes sense that she would have a DJ set. However, this makes her so different from all other products in the collection.

She wears a helmet with a massive visor, and you can see two orange/red ponytails sticking from it. The champion has a metallic silver and purple bodysuit that goes really well with the theme. In front of her, there is a large DJ set with 5 woofers on each side. There is a mixer with red keys in front of her and a floating red cube allowing her to drop all those sick beats.

9. Miss Fortune

Miss Fortune is another mid-tier Funko POP figure. It costs between $35 and $45, depending on where you’re buying it. Historically, Miss Fortune is among the most popular characters not only in the League of Legends universe but in Riot games in general. Having that in mind, it made sense for Funko POP to create a figure in her image.

The champion wears a beautiful outfit with lots of minor details. She has blue high heels with a few golden elements. The fearsome captain wears black pants with a blue waist, a white top with dark blue brassier, and white/blue arm sleeves.

Miss Fortune has two blunderbuss-style guns that are blue with a few golden details. As it fits a sea captain, she has a wide blue captain hat with golden edges. The right side of her face is covered with luscious red hair, which falls down below her shoulders.


Question: What is the rarest League of Legends Funko POP figure?

Answer: The rarest product from this collection is Jinx. Not only is she rare, but she is rather expensive, costing from $150 to $250 on the open market. Overall, League of Legends figures are in high demand, which makes sense given the enormous popularity of this MOBA game.

Question: What is the best League of Legends Funko POP figure?

Answer: It is really hard to say which product is the best from this collection. I like most of them, but if I had to give an advantage to one of them, I would have to go with DJ Sona: Concussion with Thresh and Jinx as close second and third.

Question: How much do League of Legends Funko POP figures cost?

Answer: The prices of League of Legends Funko POP figures vary significantly. A few of them can be bought for as low as $15 (Lee Sin, Braum, and Amumu), while you also have products that cost $250 (Jinx).

League of Legends Funko Pop Guide: Conclusion

League of Legends Funko POP figures are simply amazing. They have lots of small details that would attract even the people who don’t play the MOBA. In my opinion, DJ Sona is the best piece from this collection, followed by Vi and Thresh.

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