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- Lux Skins Guide - April 13, 2022
Lux is a powerful champion that can be played in either the mid-lane or as a support. I play Lux almost exclusively as a support, as her low mobility can make avoiding ganks in the mid-lane difficult.
Lux has incredible damage and good crowd control, as well as fun voice lines that will brighten any player’s day. She is squishy, and she has no escape aside from flash; being a good Lux player requires good vision and ability precision.
Lux is known for being one of Riot’s favorite champions to make skins for. As a Lux main, I’m really glad that is true. Lux has a ton of beautiful skins for players to choose from, in many different price ranges. Many Lux players prefer her ultimate skin, Elementalist Lux, but I’d argue that some of her newer, though less dynamic, skins are just as good.
Since Lux was released in 2010 her base skin and some of her older skins are very dull compared to the newer, flashier, skins that are being released now.
In total Lux has 17 skins, including her base skin. However, two of her skins are prestige editions of other skins so it feels more like 15. I will go over the prestige skins separate from their basic counterparts because I do feel as if the value of a prestige skin is always something to consider.
Lux has a lot of great skins, but my favorite will always be Star Guardian Lux. While the splash art looks a little outdated now compared to the amazing new artwork League has been doing, Star Guardian Lux is a classic skin that I believe perfectly encapsulates Lux’s upbeat and positive attitude.
Base Skin
Lux’s base skin is decent enough when compared to some of the other older champions. The dark blue in her outfit stands out well against her bright blonde hair. Her wand makes her distinguishable from other champions, and her abilities are shiny and sparkly.
Visual Effects (VFX) and Sound Effects (SFX)
Base effects
Base animations
- Lux’s base skin is pretty, and her visual effects go well with her character model
- It doesn’t cost anything
- Since Lux has so many great skins, it is rare to see a Lux player using the base skin. It is dull compared to her newer visuals.
- Lux is an old champion, and even though Riot did a good job on her design, Lux’s base skin doesn’t hold up against newer champions such as Zoe, Zeri, or Renata who are much flashier and more polished.
Sorceress Lux
Skin Lore
Sorceress Lux’s skin lore is essentially exactly how it sounds. It gives a more fantastical look to Lux, giving her a witch’s hat and more feminine clothing. She is meant to be a good witch, bringing light to the people of Demacia.
Appearance and Model
Lux wears bright blue witch’s clothes in this skin. The large witch hat is the biggest difference between Sorceress Lux and her base skin. Her wand looks relatively similar to her base, which isn’t a terrible thing considering it is Lux’s defining feature.
Visual Effects (VFX) and Sound Effects (SFX)
Base effects
Base animations
- Sorceress Lux is one of two Lux skins available for 520. For a cheap skin, it has a good design with pretty colors.
- The skin works well with Lux’s lore. If you are the type of person who likes fantasy magic more than militaristic magic, Sorceress Lux gives you the ability to see Lux in that fantasy light.
- It is an old skin, so it isn’t as flashy as some of her newer skins.
- There aren’t too many changes from Lux’s base design. Her voice lines and animations are all the same. I got Sorceress Lux in a chest, and I like it enough to upgrade it from a skin shard but I wouldn’t go out of my way to buy it.
Spellthief Lux
Skin Lore
The idea behind Spellthief Lux isn’t so much that she is “stealing” spells, but more that she is learning magic that is illegal in Demacia. She is hidden in the shadows, cloaked so as not to be caught.
Appearance and Model
Lux wears a brown cloak in this skin with brown leggings and brown boots. This color scheme is not my favorite for her, and I don’t think it works well with her colorful and happy personality. Spellthief Lux is one of the most poorly executed Lux skins.
It is dull in design, and I don’t think it matches Lux’s attitude well at all. In-game it looks ok; it is a decent skin when compared to other skins released around the same time. However, I think the color scheme and the lore behind this skin would work better on a champion like Ryze.
Visual Effects (VFX) and Sound Effects (SFX)
Base effects
Base animations
- This skin is cheaper than most skins at 750 RP. It does cost more than Sorceress though, and I think Sorceress is a better skin than Spellthief.
- If you like imagining Lux as a sneaky spell thief, this skin does a good job portraying that image.
- The skin is dull, with no new visual effects.
- The color scheme does not match well with the champion’s personality/voice lines.
Commando Lux
Skin Lore
Commando Lux, Imperial Lux, and Steel Legion Lux are Lux’s three extremely militaristic skins. As a fan of the more fantastical side of Lux’s magic, I’m not a huge fan. But these skins do play into the idea that Lux is in the Demacian military, and she is protecting her homeland by any means necessary.
Commando Lux is the most traditionally masculine skin that Lux has. She wields a flamethrower in the splash art (which makes no sense; Lux’s wand is part of her design in almost every other skin), and she stands among flames in a full suit of Demacian armor.
It is possible that Riot was simply trying to create an appropriate counterpart for Commando Garen, and they do sort of succeed in doing that. The armor looks like it comes from the same region; you can tell Lux and Garen are both fighting for the same team. But this skin works so much better for a champion like Garen who is canonically the typical Demacian soldier.
Appearance and Model
Commando Lux is the most drab Lux skin that Riot has produced. She is clad in full green and brown armor, her eyes covered with a visor, and her wand a strange black double-sided flamethrower. Commando Lux gives her a very serious look.
It doesn’t work well with Lux’s bubbly voice lines. She looks as if she is about to march into battle with a bunch of other troops; not lead them into battle, or show up with her magic to save the day.
Visual Effects (VFX) and Sound Effects (SFX)
Base effects
Base animations
- Commando Lux is the other Lux skin that is only 520 RP. For the price, it’s an alright skin.
- For the lover of all things military, this skin works well. If you are looking to turn Lux into a battle-ready soldier, Commando Lux is the only Lux skin for you.
- This skin is incredibly boring! The colors are plain, there are no special effects or voice lines, and compared to her other skins, it falls short.
- I don’t think that Commando Lux fits well with the actual champion. When I play Commando Lux, I feel a disconnect between the serious soldier I see on the screen, and the preppy, happy voice I hear in my headphones. It doesn’t match well.
Imperial Lux
Skin Lore
Imperial Lux is the second attempt at a military skin Riot did for Lux. Unfortunately, this skin looks nothing like Lux! Her face looks much older in this skin, or perhaps like it belongs to someone else entirely.
The rework of Lux’s wand, trying to create a double-sided gun, doesn’t work very well and ends up just looking strange. Even her body doesn’t have the same girlish figure that Lux does. For any true Lux fan, this skin isn’t for you, simply because it isn’t Lux.
Appearance and Model
Imperial Lux is a pretty basic military-esque skin. In the splash art, the design is colorful and relatively pretty, but in-game it is mostly brown and red. She does wear a cool red beret, which I do like, but that is about the only interesting aspect of this skin.
The gun design for her wand makes it look more like something Caitlyn would carry around, or even possibly Senna. The design overall is clunky. The colors clash, the gun looks odd, and it doesn’t look like Lux.
Visual Effects (VFX) and Sound Effects (SFX)
Base effects
Base animations
- Imperial Lux is a legacy skin; it’s no longer available for purchase in the shop. So having it makes it kind of a novelty. It’s always cool to have something people can no longer buy.
- The splash art is quite good for this skin. Lux stands in a very strong pose, against a gorgeous sunset backdrop. I’d like it more if they even attempted to make the girl in the splash art look like Lux.
- This is another boring Lux skin. Compared to her other skins, it doesn’t feel fun to play.
- I’m not personally a fan of any of Lux’s military skins. However, if you do want to play a military version of Lux, I’d say that both Commando and Steel Legion are better than Imperial. Commando is drab, but purposefully so, and Steel Legion is more visually dynamic than Imperial.
Steel Legion Lux
Skin Lore
Steel Legion Lux is by far the best military-themed Lux skin. The idea behind this skin is that Lux was trained in an advanced technological military unit. She has an affinity for light weaponry, wielding her crystal wand with expertise.
Steel Legion Lux is the military skin that makes the most sense with Lux’s background. Her interaction with magic crystals and high-profile scientists works well with Lux’s lore.
Appearance and Model
Lux is clad in heavy, dark blue armor with a futuristic-looking wand. Her wand is larger in this skin and stands out well against the clunky armor she has on. I like the dark blue theme of this skin; it matches well with Lux’s original color scheme, and it looks nice in-game. While I still prefer Lux’s more girly skins, Steel Legion Lux works as a military skin for her.
Visual Effects (VFX) and Sound Effects (SFX)
New particle effects for her Q, E, W, R. New sounds for her auto attacks and abilities.
New recall animation, as well as new idle animations and ability animations
- By far the best military skin Lux has.
- The first skin Lux got that has new animations and sound effects
- This skin is slightly more expensive at 975 RP.
- Steel Legion is still an old skin, so it doesn’t look as clean as some of the newer ones.
Star Guardian Lux
Skin Lore
Star Guardian Lux is pretty obviously inspired by various magical girl anime. She is the captain of the Star Guardian team; and while she is the youngest member, her bright personality makes up for her lack of experience.
The Star Guardians have taken it upon themselves to protect the universe from evil, fighting off bad guys with light and love! I love Lux’s new voice lines in this skin. She is encouraging to her team and the summoner throughout the game.
Star Guardian Lux is the perfect embodiment of Lux’s bright outlook. I think that the Star Guardian skin line is perfect for Lux, and only Lux. The skins are all very pretty, but Star Guardian Lux is somehow different from the rest. Jinx would probably be my second favorite, because of the juxtaposition of her personality with the whole idea behind the Star Guardians, as well as her interactions with Lux.
Appearance and Model
Star Guardian Lux has the typical magical girl look. She wears a bright pink top, with all of the frills and ribbons and bows. She has a purple skirt underneath, and white knee-high boots. Lux’s hair is a fluorescent pink in this skin, matching the color of her top. Her wand has big stars at both ends and the stick is purple and pink.
Star Guardian Lux is a colorful skin, and some players may consider it to be too much. It is over the top; winking at the excessiveness of magical girls. Her abilities are bright and starry. Each ability incorporates flurries of stars in some way; even her auto attacks.
The sound effects are glittering, and many players don’t like the high-pitched ping that comes from her auto-attack connecting after ability damage. However, I love it. I think that if you are going to play a champion like Lux, who is so bright and over the top, you might as well embrace her. For the cost, this skin is by far the pinnacle of Lux skins.
Visual Effects (VFX) and Sound Effects (SFX)
New visual effects for Q, W, E, R as well as recall, death, dance, and high-speed run. New sound effects for abilities, recall, death, dance, and high-speed run. New voice lines.
New animations for recall, death, standing idle, and high-speed run.
- A perfect take on magical girls translated into a skin.
- This skin works well with Lux’s bright personality.
- I think that Star Guardian Lux is a clean, well-executed skin. Star Guardian Lux came out just as Riot was beginning to make skins (really the whole game) visually much more pleasing. The Star Guardian skin line revolutionized skins in the game. They created a new standard. Players still play Star Guardian skins even though this line was now released over 7 years ago.
- The extremely girly aesthetic of this skin may not suit all players. If you don’t like lots of pink and purple, this skin is not for you.
- There is an overabundance of stars in her animations. Sometimes it may feel like a bit too much to look at when playing.
Elementalist Lux
Skin Lore
In Elementalist, Lux is a sorceress who possesses the power of all of the elements. She can choose which elements she wants to favor in each game, which changes the skin as the player chooses how they want Lux to transform.
Elementalist Lux is the fourth ultimate skin that League released. It is a very detailed skin, with 10 different transformations that a player can choose from. However, you can only play up to three (including her original form) in each match. Every transformation has different visuals, different voice lines, and sound effects, as well as different ability animations.
When Elementalist Lux was first released in 2016 it was Lux’s most popular skin for a while. Lux players loved having an ultimate skin for her, and playing with the transformations in every match was fun and unique. But, Elementalist has lost popularity for a good reason. As far as Lux skins go, Elementalist is not her best. I think that Elementalist Lux is a good skin for players who only play Lux occasionally. For the dedicated Lux main, this skin gets old fast.
Elementalist Lux has a hefty price tag, and I don’t think it’s worth the RP. Elementalist Lux feels like Riot’s attempt to throw together an entire skin line in one champion and see how it goes. It is an issue of quantity vs quality. In-game, the transformations don’t feel as different from each other, as they should. They have different color schemes, but aside from that, they aren’t too special.
The idea that Lux is harnessing the power of the elements falls flat, as she builds up her transformation by using any ability, anywhere on the map. Perhaps if Riot had made it so that she gained certain elements by attacking in certain places, that would make more sense, and it would feel more satisfying getting to that transformative state.
Unfortunately, the transformation aspect of this skin feels more like a distraction from the match than an addition to the skin.
Appearance and Model
This skin technically has ten different appearances and models. For me, the animations in each form look similar enough that the choice in transformation comes down to which color I am vibing with in that match. Lux begins with her light form, wearing a white and gold dress with a golden pointy collar and thigh-high boots.
Each transformation sort of replicates this look; a monochromatic dress, some kind of collar, and thigh-high boots. Her hair matches her dress color in each transformation, and her wand changes color as well. Her ability visuals will also match the color of the dress, hair, and wand.
There are a few different particle effect changes in each transformation; such as butterflies being included in the mystic transformation, or snowflakes in the ice transformation, but otherwise, they all look very similar.
Visual Effects (VFX) and Sound Effects (SFX)
New visual effects for abilities, auto-attack, dance, joke, taunt and recall. Obviously, the transformation visual effect is unique to this skin as well. New sound effects for auto-attack, abilities, dance, death, high-speed run, and recall. There are also new voice lines in this skin; different voice lines and interactions for each different transformation.
New animations for abilities, auto-attack, dance, joke, taunt, recall, death, respawn, standing idle, walking, and transformation.
- You get ten skins for one in this skin. You can choose to make Lux look however you’d like in each match.
- The transformation idea is pretty cool the first few times you get to do it. Playing with the different combinations and seeing what Lux will turn into is fun at first! Hearing her new voice lines and slight personality changes with each transformation is engaging, and it is unique to this skin.
- Elementalist is the only skin of its kind in League. You won’t find a skin like it for Lux, or any other champion. I think that is because Riot realized that the idea didn’t work out as well as they wanted, but there is some novelty to playing a skin unlike any other.
- Elementalist is incredibly expensive. While you do get essentially ten skins for the price of one, that price is very very high. I got Elementalist out of a chest, and I am glad I have it, but I wouldn’t buy it. It isn’t worth the money it costs, especially compared to some of the newer Lux skins.
- The visual effects aren’t different enough from each other to make each transformation feel as exciting as it should. The main changes in each transformation is the color scheme and Lux’s tone of voice. It isn’t enough to grant this skin the price tag League has put on it.
Lunar Empress Lux
Skin Lore
Lunar Empress is part of the lunar new year skin line. This skin came out in 2018, the year of the dog, along with Nasus and Warwick. Nasus and Warwick are the lunar guardians and Lux is their Empress. I like this idea quite a lot. In the splash art, Lux stands powerful and serene. In the background you can see her guardians flanking, fighting for their empress.
Lux looks gorgeous, both in the splash art and in-game. I’d count this as one of the top-tier Lux skins. And, as a legacy skin, a lot of players won’t have it. I think the simplistic, golden animations for her abilities are refined but not overwhelming.
Her backing animation is adorable, including two barking dogs swirling around her. The only part of this skin I am not a fan of is her hairstyle. The loop on top of her head looks strange, and because of the lack of texture, it barely looks like her hair at all. I also don’t love how the bluish-white color looks in-game. In the splash art, her hair compliments her face well and it looks fine but in-game it is almost distracting how awful it is.
Appearance and Model
The visual highlight in-game for Lunar Empress Lux is her wand. Riot did a great job on the design for her wand in this skin, it is large, without being overbearing, and has just enough detail to make you take a second look to make sure you really see what it’s all about.
The staff of the wand is a sleek black, with two golden dog’s heads on both ends. There is a slight sparkle to these heads; Lux’s wand always has some sort of shine to it, and Riot did a good job incorporating that into this skin.
Lux wears a basic blue and gold dress, with her traditional thigh-high boots. The jewelry added to this skin is interesting, she has bracelets, armbands, and golden headwear. Gold and navy is one of my favorite color duos, and it works beautifully in this skin. The gold accents run through the outfit without being too much, and the navy against Lux’s light skin is impactful.
Visual Effects (VFX) and Sound Effects (SFX)
New ability effects, auto-attack, and recall. New sound effects for abilities, auto-attacks, and recall.
New animation for recall.
- Lunar Empress Lux is an undeniably gorgeous skin. Both in the splash art and in-game, this skin is appealing visually.
- I like the history/lore behind this skin. The story of Lux as the lunar empress, and how League included Warwick and Nasus into this skin’s lore, is unique and interesting.
- As a legacy skin, Lunar Empress is not available to everyone.
- It is a relatively simple skin compared to many of Lux’s other skins. There aren’t too many new animations, and she doesn’t have new voice lines in Lunar Empress.
Pajama Guardian Lux
Skin Lore
The Pajama Guardian skin line is an addition to the Star Guardian skins that Riot released in 2018. There was some controversy in the League community when these skins came out because it felt like a lazy money grab to a lot of players.
I can’t say I particularly disagree with that sentiment. The Pajama Guardian skins are cute enough, but Riot didn’t change any animations or voice lines for these skins. The only difference between Pajama Guardian and Star Guardian is the pajamas.
Lux’s pajamas are cute, but if I’m going to play a cute, girly Lux skin, I’m going to play Star Guardian. As a Lux main, I own most of Lux’s skins; all of the skins so far on this list I have in my collection. However, Pajama Guardian Lux is one of the few I never felt the need to invest in.
The only way I would ever recommend this skin is if a player doesn’t have any other Lux skin, and for whatever reason, they get this skin on sale or in a chest.
Appearance and Model
Lux wears a bulky onesie in this skin. It is by far the least revealing Lux skin, even when compared to her militaristic armor skins. The pajamas have no shape to them whatsoever, which is fine, but perhaps a bit visually boring.
The best part of this skin is the hood on the onesie, which has a cute little face and ears. The slippers are adorable as well, but the rest of the skin isn’t great. Lux’s wand is a replica of the wand she has in Star Guardian, with no changes made at all.
Visual Effects (VFX) and Sound Effects (SFX)
Same visual and sound effects as Star Guardian Lux.
Same animations as Star Guardian Lux.
- Pajama Guardian is an intriguing remake of the Star Guardian skins. If you like the idea of pajama parties, maybe this skin is for you.
- You can get it discounted if you already own Star Guardian Lux.
- It isn’t all that different from Star Guardian Lux! Even at a discounted price, it isn’t worth the cost if you already own the Star Guardian skin
- The skin looks rushed and clunky. The splash art is quite good but in-game the skin is bulky and boring.
Battle Academia/Battle Academia Prestige Lux
Skin Lore
In the base Battle Academia skin, Lux is in her first year at the Durandal god weapon academy. She is studying to become a master of her magic and her wand. She is in the sorcery club at the school, and even for a Freshman, she is a standout student.
In Battle Academia Prestige, Lux has grown a year older. She is now in her second year and has gotten so strong that she is the captain of the sorcery club. She is also the class president.
The Battle Academia skins are a cute and fun collection of skins, uniting champions that are otherwise not all that close to each other. The Battle Academia skins are a bit boring though. Maybe I think that because I’m not too enamored with the idea of a fantastical high school/college, but the schoolgirl uniform seems dull and played out. I don’t feel that the Battle Academia skins are League’s most creative.
Appearance and Model
In the base version of Battle Academia, Lux wears a navy blue and orange uniform. She has bright red hair, tied back into a high ponytail. In the splash art, Lux’s face is sharp, with thin lips and big blue eyes. I don’t think this is the most accurate depiction of Lux.
I’m not sure if Riot was trying to make Lux look younger, but I prefer Lux with her original, more rounded, softer face. Lux’s wand looks similar to the design of the wand in Steel Legion Lux; more sci-fi, technologically, and militaristic focused aesthetic.
In the prestige version of the skin, Lux wears a white and gold uniform, with golden accents on her wand. Her hair is longer, and she now wears it down, rather than in a ponytail. I’m not sure why Lux’s hair is red in this skin. In certain skins, it makes sense to change Lux’s original blonde hair to something more colorful, but here, it doesn’t seem necessary.
I like Lux with blonde hair, and theoretically, if that is supposed to be her natural hair color, why would she dye it red for this academy? Perhaps if Riot gave some sort of explanation for this choice, I’d be more ok with it. As it stands, I wish they had kept her hair blonde both in the base skin and in the prestige version.
Visual Effects (VFX) and Sound Effects (SFX)
New ability effects and sound effects for abilities. Some new voice lines.
New recall animation
- A good school-themed skin. If you like slice of life anime, this skin looks like it came right out of one of those.
- All of the newer League skins have amazing splash art. This skin is no exception.
- The skin line in its entirety is kind of basic. I don’t find it to be very creative or interesting.
- Lux’s signature blonde hair is missing for seemingly no reason in this skin.
- The prestige skin is no longer available, but, when it was earnable through tokens I’m not sure it was worth the price regardless. If you didn’t earn enough tokens, the prestige version of the skin cost around 50$ to purchase enough points to receive the skin.
Dark Cosmic and Cosmic Lux
Skin Lore
In this skin line, Lux is the right hand of Queen Ashe. She is working towards either defeating the darkness (Cosmic) or embracing her inner darkness and destroying all of creation. In Dark Cosmic Lux, she is attempting to overthrow Ashe as the queen and take her place as the “rightful” ruler of the cosmos.
The skins are mirrors of each other. They have the same splash arts and animations, just different color schemes, some different particle effects, and slightly different voice tones.
Appearance and Model
Dark Cosmic Lux has a purple theme, with dark purple hues throughout her entire outfit. Her dress has an interesting lightning bolt pattern on the front of it, which I’m not sure works well with the theme of the skin. Perhaps if it was more star-shaped or something else related to a cosmic body, it would look better.
She has a jagged crown with what looks like a black hole in the middle. Her gloves glow bright purple, and there are constellations on her skirt. Her wand has two black holes where the sparkly crystals normally would go.
Cosmic Lux is more muted in its colors. She wears a navy blue dress, with peacock feathers in the skirt. Her crown is star-shaped, with a glowing blue orb in the center. Her hair is a light purple ombre, and her skin tone is a pale blue. Her wand has two blue orbs rather than the black holes in the Dark Cosmic version.
Visual Effects (VFX) and Sound Effects (SFX)
New ability particle effects, new ability sound effects. Voice distortion for Dark Cosmic Lux.
New animations for abilities and recall.
- I like the dark cosmic skin line. Dark Cosmic Jhin is one of my favorite skins in the game. The dark purple color scheme is very pretty, both in the splash art and on the rift.
- If you purchase one of these skins, you can get the other one at a discount.
- I think the Dark Cosmic skin looks better, but the Cosmic skin fits better with Lux’s personality. This makes it difficult to decide which skin to buy.
- I don’t see the point in purchasing both skins unless you intend to own all of Lux’s skins. The skins are so similar that if you are going to play one, you probably know which you prefer.
Space Groove Lux
Skin Lore
Lux has found a musically magical wand, and she intends on using it to spread good disco music across the cosmos. She travels around with her friend Samira, sharing their good vibes with aliens from all over the universe.
Appearance and Model
Lux wears a disco-themed neon blue dress in this skin. It is much shorter than Lux’s normal attire; at least, it looks that way in-game. I think it’s a bit too revealing for a Lux skin. But, its playful nature makes up for how revealing her dress is.
She has neon blue gloves and white thigh-high boots. She also has her signature long blonde hair in this skin, as well as a pair of groovy headphones. Her wand is white and blue, with planets that look something like Jupiter on both ends.
Visual Effects (VFX) and Sound Effects (SFX)
New particle effects for abilities, and new sound effects for abilities.
New recall animation as well as ability animations
- The new ability animations for this skin are pretty cool. I particularly like her E, which features a planet in the center where the sparkle normally would be.
- This skin also has a lot of add ons which can make it more fun. They designed emotes, chromas, and icons for this skin.
- For the price, this is a fantastic Lux skin. When compared to the more expensive Cosmic/Dark Cosmic skins, I think this one is better.
- The amount of neon blue in this skin can be overwhelming. When playing, most of what you see is just a mass of neon blue. The skin looks good when zoomed in on, but for most of the game, you won’t be playing zoomed in.
- I don’t think the splash art for this skin is that great. A lot is going on in the splash art, but none of it is particularly interesting. I also don’t think Lux looks like Lux in the splash art.
Porcelain Lux/Porcelain Lux Prestige
Skin Lore
The Porcelain skin collection is the newest addition to League of Legends. The Porcelain skin line was released in January of 2022. Lux is the featured champion of this line, and the only one to receive a prestige skin for it. Lux is the leader of the “Protectors”, a group of champions who are defending sacred magical artifacts.
Appearance and Model
All of the porcelain skins are beautiful. Lux’s is refined and elegant, giving her a more mature look. She has dark black hair with streaks of blue running through it. She wears a navy and white dress. She has armbands that go up to her elbows.
Interestingly, Riot decided not to cover Lux’s hands in this skin; there was quite a lot of controversy over the original splash art, which featured Lux having two right hands, although that issue seems to have been fixed now. Lux’s wand has flowers on each end, with a rabbit jumping out of the top of the one facing upwards. Her boots are slightly shorter in this skin, only coming up to her knees.
The prestige edition is relatively similar, with the navy blue being replaced by the typical prestige gold. Her hair is also slightly longer in the prestige version. Porcelain Lux does offer chromas, but I think the original skin is the best version. Of course, if blue and white aren’t your favorite colors, she can be turned into any color in the rainbow.
Visual Effects (VFX) and Sound Effects (SFX)
New ability effects, and new ability sound effects.
New ability animations, as well as new recall animations.
- Porcelain Lux is a beautifully designed skin. It looks great in the splash art and in-game
- This is one of the few skins that I think the prestige version is significantly better than the original. Both skins are great, but Porcelain Lux benefits from the gold color scheme.
- The chromas for this skin are underwhelming. While it isn’t necessarily a bad thing that the chromas are worse than the original skin, it does mean that they aren’t worth investing in.
- The prestige version isn’t available for direct purchase. You have to earn the skin by completing missions and earning the event tokens.
Question: Which is the best Lux skin?
Answer: Players have been debating this for a long time, and ultimately because of the subjective nature of the question, it will be up to each individual to decide which skin is the best. I love Star Guardian Lux, it will always be my favorite Lux skin. However, I did struggle to come up with Cons for Space Groove Lux, and Porcelain Lux. I would add those into the echelon of top-tier Lux skins as well.
Question: Is Elementalist Lux worth the price?
Answer: No! I don’t think that Elementalist Lux is worth the hefty price tag Riot has put on it. If you are a casual Lux player, investing in one of her cheaper but newer skins is a better choice.
Question: If my favorite Lux skin is legacy content, or otherwise no longer available, can I still somehow get it?
Answer: Yes! You still have a chance to find the legacy Lux skins in chests. Unfortunately, there is no way to guarantee that your chests will contain one of these legacy skins, but you may be able to get one eventually. As far as the prestige skins go, Riot has said that there will be prestige skin sales from time to time where past prestige skins will come available again briefly. Battle Academia Lux or Porcelain Lux may be part of these sales.
Lux Skins Guide: Conclusion
Lux has a lot of fantastic skins. Her newer skins are all beautiful, and even some of her old skins hold up against skins that have been made for other champions. I like the Lux skins that have a fantasy theme; the skins that exemplify her upbeat, positive personality.
Her military skins feel dull to me, but it is good that she has skins that would appeal to all types of players. If you are considering buying a Lux skin, I wouldn’t recommend starting with her ultimate skin, but rather choosing one of her other, cheaper, skins.